Sunday, January 23, 2005

Ever hear of pants being startched without starch?

[Listening to: Act a Fool - Ludacris - 2 Fast 2 Furious (04:31)]

Well, yeah...apparently if you are in the process of digging your car out of X inches of snow, part of which is what is being repiled from the street side by snowplow...and you continue for about an hour..your pants legs freezes in place.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


[Listening to: happy hardcore - nintendo tetris (techno remix) - - (03:48)]

Blogging plug-in for WMP has an odd kind of bug, play something with an album name and then play a random mp3...chances are when you post with w.bloggar it's gonna show that song with the previous song's album information.

ClanBob Is Back!

[Listening to: SMURFS THEME (RAVE) (Happy Hardcore Techno Remix) - - (02:41)]


Ok, so I've been in a real webcomic reading mood, trying to fill the void that I've had for a while. Clan Bob was the home of the The Life of Riley and cool place to visit, then one day the site just seemed to go offline. I mean like 404 pagenot there anymore kind of gone. Of course being resourceful as I am, I did a quick WhoIs search and the domain was still registered. Anyway the site's back, although with new LoR strips indefinitely postponed.

Here's the Strip that started the whole addiction... Damn you Ren, damn you I really will pay you back for this someday soon.

Must Rest...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Stupid people must Die, Die Now!

[Listening to: Make war not love - Pro pain - The truth hurts (04:55)]

Let's try posting this again, without locking my post and crashing, huh W.bloggar?!

Anyway... Someone out there really understands my pain. You deal with customers enough and you'll realize there are more stupid people out there versus intelligent one, really stupid ones don't seem to know how stupid they are when they repeat the same crap over again. I really like this webcomic, read this strip.

Side note: I fucking, yeah I said Fucking hate this shit. I got a Fucking $115 parking ticket for my car being double parked for five minutes while I had to pick up my little brother from school. I have no problem with this, now. I respect the law, I broke it so I should pay...although there goes my DVD burner...But what is really fucking setting me off is the fact that when I came out the traffic cops are are across the street bullshitting and laughing with some people as they see us get back to my car. GRRR!!! I want their blood...I shall feed it to their young..

Agitated much? Nah..

Playstation Fix

[Listening to: Rapture (Dance Mix) - Iio - My Block (CDS) (08:41)]

Considering that I'm still up at this hour..due to finding another webcomic that I can watch over like hawk.

Anyway, my Playstation 2, which many of my friends know by the affectionate name "Brain Dead" is going to be fixed. It's been out of service for almost a year now, or will be. It was around the time I got Xenosaga when the whole Disc Read Error (DRE) thing really started. If you were fortunate enough to be around in my DeVry days you would have seen it in action on many a boring four hour gaps in classes.

Yeah, so I'm logging off and going to print up my form on my brother's printer at the now 3ish am, before closing my tired eyes.

Note to self: After car shit is taken care of, treat yourself to a new printer, book, dvd burner(now I want one with me from myself ), and/or any of the above or other unlisted things. Import Tuner I really like the articles, and the cover art ^_^; Three tries to stype that, bloody tired.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Me & Money Part Deux

[Listening to: tim deluxe - little less talk more action (extended mix) - - (05:45)]

I'm not sure if I do it to myself, or if there are little gremlins hiding in plain sight. I mean there are plenty of spots for them to hide. Anyway I've once again found a large stash of cash, accidentally. It couldn't happen at a better time, when I'm considering replacement of parts and general car repair. Paying a little towards my bills couldn't hurt either.

Friday, January 14, 2005


[Listening to: Barbie Girl - Aqua - (03:14)]

I hate that falling asleep for a few hours, for no reason...only to wake up late and not know whether it's night or day.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The beast lives

[Listening to: Noizy Tribe - move - How To See You Again (04:03)]


I'm just bugging out is all, ignore me. I joke, I joke. I keed keed. ^_^

Just trying to go back to my roots.

She reappears

[Listening to: This Way - Dialated Peoples f Kanye West - - (03:56)]

It appears that the one responsible for creating, the persona of BrokenSeals(BrknSeals) has decided to resurface once again.


Heh. I mean after a few months of silence and letting me straighten myself out some, she decides to email me.

Testing W.bloggar 4.0

[Listening to: How To See You Again - move - How To See You Again (04:56)]

Let's see if this posts properly. Already noticed an oddity, the way it handles iframes in the template preview kind of doesn' opens up new browser windows to display them. Need to check if there's a setting related to this.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

First post of the New Year

Welcome to the blog post 2k5.

What are my resolutions?

Like I decided some time ago, I've given up on making resolutions, because I find it hard to keep promises to myself.

How did I celebrate?
My Best Friend from High School and I decided to commemorate the new year the best way we knew how, gaming. A single session of Halo 2 beginning a few minutes before the ball drop and lasting an hour into the new year, until it finally ended thanks to yours truly doing some sniping action.

What's to come in the new year?
At the moment, I'm watching the movie The Buddhist Fist on the International Channel. I love Asia street.

I plan to continue my forays into the mysteries that are affairs of the heart. Being the baka that I am in this area, this may take a while.

With the amount of money I have invested, the likelyhood of me getting off my butt and going for my certification and finding a new job.

I will obtain a PSP and then the real fun can begin.

Congrats all, as always I have love for all.