Tuesday, May 29, 2007

OMFG - The Gamer's Prayer never rang more true

So I was playing Ninety-Nine Nights (N3) earlier on my Xbox360 trying to rebuild my character because of the little really stupid screw up where my character data got over written.

Yes, I understand tat it's my fault that I overwrote my data, but the save system in this game is utterly ridiculous in this game. When you save all the save slots are available to you, even the slots for other characters. Plus, After your first save into a slot, if your not paying attention you'd think your on the load screen and select another character... Long story Short I've had to rebuild at least 3 characters in the last two and a half months of gameplay ..including my system down time.

Anyway, I built up Myifee to Level 7 on his last stage and encounter my newly level maxed Vigk Vagk, who pretty much decimated my health bars. Come to one of the final boss battles of the game with roughly 25% health remaining, intro the untimely always a pain in the ass mandatory cut scene that repositions where you are on the field, like say right in the middle of the swarm with an enemy ready to swing. Needless to say less than two seconds after the scene ends I'm dead as I'm scrambling to hit my attack buttons.

Bad Game Design Angers me,
Evo Mad, Evo bash!
Grah! ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hang me out to dry...I'm Sorry.

So yeah, I was doing that thing that teachers do in school times and letting you, what readers I have entertain yourselves. LOL.. Yeah I know I couldn't get away with that, but it was better than saying I abandoned updating for almost two months.

Basically the work stuff, the trying to get my credit on track, fix up my car, start my own side biz, work on my web site, spec out and plan development of a carpc, look for a new job, look for potential love, etc kinda got in the way.

Now, I make no promises at this point but I shall remain faithful to you guys & gals. Follow up post to follow with actual content.

Again..Sorry. ^.^;

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Out and About..Pizzahut & Compusa

a free pie and two drinks...screw up my order more often
*home edit: So yeah, I basically ordered 2 pies while I was hanging out by the store for a bit.

Went to CompUsa to check out the store closing sales. Mind you I got lost along the way, trying to figure out the way to CompUsa via the Sprain Brook...about 10-15mins off course the most . The moral, when you see that you've arrived back in the same county that you started you've gone too far off in the worng direction... Lol. Honestly the sales aren't that big right now, The good stuff that I want: Hard Drives, Software, majority of Cables / related accessories are running at 10% off right now...I'll scavenge their stock in a week or so like the security guard said and I should make out like a bandit for my upcoming carputer project.

So coming back through to Pizzahut, I arrived to find that my pies are not there. I was laughing to myself 'cause I thought it was punishment for taking my time. She was apologizing left and right and offered me a pie for having to wait...I said "ok...sure as long as it's free" but was thinking "Awesome...I really didn't mind, but hell free is free". She asked if she could offer me something else, mind you we've had a working customer - employee relationship for a little while..I visit this hut a bit. I've been told I should have asked for her number...working at the store I know how odd it feels when a customer ask you out.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

big guy


*home edit: Hanging out at M & M's house...well that or being held captive against my will and being offered Mac & cheese to appease the geek in me. Yeah I'm a cheap tech date. Lol.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blarg!?-- Updated Blog Template...

Meh.. I update the template, since I've already updated my account a while ago and look what happens. I've lost all my little details and gotta build from scratch again.... At least I got my comments back. Well, I didn't....all the old comments appear to be gone...but we can make new memories, no?

If I'm not mistaken, I should now be able to label my older post to make them searchable...joy! -.-;

Basically I have some work ahead of me and it's like almost 6AM, Why am I still up? Maybe it's this flu, I'm trying to clear out of my system.

Love you people out in the blogosphere....to the people I used to link to, my services, etc. Sorry, but you'll have to wait 'til the next update.

Random thoughts done - Evo out semi-serious post to come...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Certified MCDST...Now What?

Like I said at least one post a month and a little more meat and potatoes..more or less.
So yeah it's pretty much official, now as of what 12:59AM EST? this 02/13/07 I shall now be regarded as a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. ....and still working in the same dead-end role. -_-b

Does your skin crawl with the thought of me being in bed with Bill Gates?
NO, not in that way you hentai!?!

No, in case some of you knew me back when, although I've acquired my MCP and now MCDST I still am not yet A+ certified. By the looks of the extent to which the exam is changing for the new year that won't be happening any time soon. I guess someone at CompTIA was checking out that ClanBob strip Ren had linked me to way back when.

I've got more pics that I'll upload from my phone as well a more pics related to acquiring my Onyx(Black) DS and just general boredom like earlier in the day at the doctors office.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

what happens without gaming

got my ds yesterday, battery died on it today, and I have no way to recharge til tomorrow...so I 'clean'...hehe

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Revival of this blog Begins....

So it looks like the beating the dead horse thing doesn't really apply too much here...huh?

My Intentions:

I'm going to start reposting here again. Natch.

The blog is going to be repurposed a bit, it will still be primarily for personal posts but I will actively try to post some more enlightening(read as entertaining) information.

I intend to start small and make at least one post a month...Yes I said month, we who try to maintain these things now life can get a bit hectic.

I plan on integrating this blog into the rest of my "network" of pages.


Bought a Xbox 360 two weeks after the last post.

Went to Otakon and did some drinking

More or Less been actively maintaining and updating this Myspace page.

My "Boss" tried to fire me, by trying to grasp at straws that weren't there.

Got a New Car and Crashed it into a guardrail a few weeks later...

Became MCP certified.

Same Xbox 360 died, on Christmas Eve....the Three Red Lights

Current Cellphone is Just about dead as far as reliability.

It looks like my Moblog that was hosted on Text America may have been deleted recently without notice, I'm trying to look into this, if anyone can help me out with this, I'd thank you.