[Listening to: games - midnight club II - silver screen (malibu mix) - - (05:45)]
Which Knight Rider Character Are You?
AprilBonnieYou scored 30...
You have a dual personality and four tits... Hang on, getting my wires crossed here. You are a very focussed individual also very hands on and practical with whatever you encounter but what you gain on that side of things you have lost in imagination and creativity which can sometimes lead to outbursts of rage involving spoons, yoghurt and small rabbits. You are a person firmly based here and now and avoid flights of fancy or doing things on a whim. Despite your lack of imagination though you are very skilled and patient and you have an up-to-date fashion sense although you'll never be a trend setter, more like a step behind really. You should really work on your people skills and stop saying "what" all the time.
I so stumbled upon this while trying my expriment of using google plus certain keywords, one of which being porn to try and find my blog...weird, huh?