Thursday, February 12, 2004

I know it's been a few days...but y'know it's not like anyone is reading ATM. Yeah I notice my visits this week have pretty much dried up to zero for the past two days.

Leave it to me to forget that today was pay day ^_^; heh heh

Anyway..I've found a nice little headline that made me WTF!?

Barbie and Ken 'Split' After 43 Years
Toymaker Says 'Romance Has Come to an End,' But They 'Will Remain Friends'

Poor ken, who will play with him now? Skipper, maybe? No comments you! I can keep track of barbie info if I feel like it.

To comment on my last post I was semi-joking about the panties thing. What I meant by it was that if I had someone special in my life I might consider getting them for a joke if you will.

Oh yeah.. I've been keeping myself busy by slacking off on my development of my personal website..partly due to hang ups with PHP, finally got a slightly dyanmic nature to I gotta actually put content and stuff. Considering making it can decide between a set of looks...but that's gonna require effort on my part. :p

Did I mention I've cracked open my A+ certification book again..still seems like jibberish to me..but I passed the quiz with minimal looking back through the section..too bad I'm only on like Chapter 5...information overload!