Friday, December 26, 2003

Just a quick post to little you all know that I'm still alive, Happy Holidays all. My main reason for lack of posting is the draining schedule that I've been working, that and the lack of response from my viewing audience. I guess I need to starting taking captives again. ^_^ Mwa ha ha ha.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Ok...first thing...I meant to make this post yesterday...but this is more or less a collection of my musings for the week, I'm gonna mix up certain facts with different days.

*plays Evanescence from the desktop*

The Fantasy has just begun!
First thing first MY PROJECT DESKTOP FINAL WORKS THE WAY I WANT IT TO. *calms down* ^_^; Final Fantasy XI came out like the day before halloween or so and my friend has been bugging me to play...well I was actually the one who want to play it more ever since he tried(successfully) to get me to play Shadowbane. Anyway the urge to play finally overtook me [that and rationalizing that I get paid this week] . I bought the game on tuesday from Software Etc., while I was leaving work in Yonkers..but didn't get to play it til wednesday. Here's the run down...I pretty much stalled as much as I could...out of fear or whatever, I dunno. There's 5 cd's in the box! I installed the PlayOnline software and then started mucking around with it for like an hour or more after the update to the program, downloading greeting cards and adding new backgrounds and music to my interface. I installed the game and then crashed for the night somewhere around 1am. Next day I was in "I'm going to see Matrix Revolutions today...somewhere...maybe Time Square...I don't know as long as it's not here in the heights" mode. ....Yeah..that didn't happen....Started off my day by trying to patch(update) hour long patch...somewhere through the process I fell asleep and the damn thing disconnected corrupting my game files....Flash forward to the next few hours of trying and then getting the 6 gigs+ of stuff remove/reinstalled and then waiting around for the update and stuff...a minute before 5pm though my dozing on and off the thing completed at which point I decided maybe I should eat today?

First impression of the game....I waited for this? To be fair... I was confused as could be...and the glitchiness of it running on my *coughs* cracked *coughs* XP desktop didn't help me much. In mid shop menu viewing...the Game and viewer crach out on me as if I closed them down on purpose. At first I thought is it something with my wireless keyboard? It's happened two more times in a much similar I'm beginning to wonder.

My ffxi accomplisments: I leveled up, I died, add one friend to my frendlist, I died, I sortta got stalked by someone, I solved a quest...then I bought a new id to start over with a new character on a different server so I could play wth my friend. At this point I die a lot..."dude why'd you pick a chick...that's so gay" *inner growls are held off*

Oh yeah my first Character is Deedelle, a Female Hume Thief on the Ramuh server.

How can you be woken up at like 6:30am so you can be at work on time at 10:00am and fall asleep and wake up at 8:45am and still try to get there on time? ask me and you'll find out. heh. Damn FFXI was up later than i should've. ^_^; ah well. Anyway normally I should be on my way to the train station to catch the A train and start my 1hr+ long journey to work out in Yonkers...damn I need my own car. The train ride was pretty uneventful, until the 4 train. Besides reading my Initial D vol.1, that's manga folks ^_^. There was this guy in the far corner that kept staring my way, at first I thought he was looking at the same girl I was every so often looking up at from the book. But when she got off at 176st. I began to feel a little urked..but being me I just cranked up my Initial D and continued to enjoy reading right to left.

Getting off at woodlawn, that got my morning up to a cheery-ish mood. I make it to my usual spot to wait for the 20 busy to cross-county and I notice people looking in my direction..or so I thought..then I started to hear yelling through my music. Apparently an incident started to unfold right before me...more or less, Two gypsy cabs(that's what I call'em :P) and a couple in a Subaru Outback were causing a little scence. at this point I think back to what people on IRC meant when I said I was from New York. "Only in New York" so I'm hearing F*** You and Mother F***er, and that's just from forty-something white couple. It seemed like it was gonna go down when the husband approached the driver of the first cab and he pulled out his tire iron from the trunk of his cab. Nothing happened. meh! It pretty much ended when the husband said. "You wanna fight...follow me to the park 2 blocks up" There's more to the story, but that's for me to know :P .

Work Sucked! don't need to know ^_^;;

The Revolution will not be televised!
....well maybe like a year or so after the dvd comes out. I went to pick up my ticket from the teather across the mall during my 1/2 hour break, picked up 3 packs of the new set of Yugioh cards and then went back to work. Did I mention I still hadn't eaten yet for the day...and my immediate cash supply was slowly running out. Back to work for like another hour..couped up in the tiny room before I broke out and made my way to watch Revolutions. Lovely it's raining a bit...and me In my black jean jacket and work clothes, I'm looking a little goth.(No comments you! :P hehe) 3:20PM Funniest thing...I got carded when I showed the girl my ticket...I was thinking "haha..F**k..I'm older than you and you're carding me?" Maybe it's because I look younger with my hair cut. *snarls* The Matinee..was fairly emty at first...only like 6 people. Then a few people come in, including a couple with a baby...just like on that new UPN show that came on the other week, the baby was quite until the movie actually started. All through the looooong previews she was happy..even the beginning CG effects...but as soon as conversation hit..*bam* whaaa! I laughed to myself because after she stopped whinning someone's nokia phone goes off, how do I know? They had the default tone set.

6:00PM or so...nope you don't have to stay to watch the movie after the extra stuff to see. The ending messed me up for a while though. By now It's full blown rain and me..only having lemonade in my stomach which I finished when the movie started I was starting to run on fumes by now. I went back to work to check my schedule one more time and Bs'ed for a while, bought a coffee cake with my last expendible dollar...needed the rest for fare... before going back out into the rain and waiting for like an hour before the express bus comes by. All the while I'm still listening to inital D. By the time I finially make it to my stop(on the train now) my mood has seriously changed and I'm listening to Evanescence. I soooo didn't want this girl to get to the turnstyle first.

So that was my week more or less. meh. Oh mom let me borrow her car on sunday...lets just say she was more than a bit freaked when i stayed 1/2 hour later working and didn't call. heh. I called to say I was on my way and then went out to the car. My "friends" there have already left..the last ones just dusted I'm waiting for the car to warm up enough cause it's just a bit cold. More or less the drive was uneventful...unlike the usual the backroad was pretty empty and so was the highway. Major Deegan(sp?) had fairly light traffic so I was "keeping up with the flow" ^_^ 10mph over the limit and I still hadn't found the station I was trying to get. Need to get that new radio soon...I'll go

Later all

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Small post...just checking the logs...I'm seeing school visitors too...hey everyone!

Monday, October 20, 2003

UPDATE: heh. *plays Linkin Park's Meteora in the background* So yeah..Time to let you all in on what I've been doing since the last post. Whelp first thing I made a quick-fix for the comments section of the posts...But I've been to lazy with watching TV and just lying around to post it, it'll come soon enough.
Checking the logs it seems that I've now had foreign visitors. WOOT! Brokenseals has gone global...well sortta.

I hate jackass customers...*looks around for legal and whispers, "can I say that on the air?"* Ever wanted to hurt someone for a comment that they thought was just so funny about you that they had to tell it to your face and expected you to laugh with them?

What else....well my 'fro got cut...again. MEH. Yeah I got setup by my mom, basically she said since she was taking my little brother to get his hair cut and told me to come along to get my hair shaped up...

My driving is getting back to 'pre-roadtest lady figuratively grabbing me by the cajones and taking my nerve' condition. I attribute it to me watching Initial D again. Hachi Roku!!! Speaking of plan to fix up my mom is coming along slowly *curses creditors* ^_^; The Kenwood Cd player that I have on layaway for the Dodge(Mitsubishi ^_^) Colt is half-way paid for...been trying to find info on replacing or atleast fixing the seatbelts online but can't goggle the right results. I found something about inserts for the grill on autozone...but dunno...gonna have to ask ren when I finally feeling like using aim again.

Quick note: Just created another AIM account while typing this. Also found new Naruto 54 ep.^_^

I noticed that the image on the side that lizchan made wasn't working so I went to her site guess what....She updated it!!!! *gasps and falls over* .... *revives* hehehe. so her comic still hasn't seen the light of day yet, but she did put up a littel teaser of sorts. and....that's about it...I'll be posting more quiz results soon enough. *metora has long end...* I sure take my sweet time...^_^

Friday, October 17, 2003

A screwup is as a screwup does

So yeah....I've basically been a total screwup, as usual. I met someone cool to talk with on irc, well actually its sortta like a re-encounter. Anyway I inadvertently hurt their feelings by leaving them hanging in a chat....what happened was when I was about to get back into the dialogue nature called but I didn't post anything about it and so they thought I wasn't focused on them. By the time I realized what the situation was they left, before I could apoligize. I totally feel like shit. I guess that means I'm human after all.
Meh, I'm just gonna stay off irc for a while and just curl up under the covers when I'm not working, I seem to cause less damage that way.
Side note: I noticed a problem with the comment template, I'll fix it eventually.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Sorry for the lack of posting recently....It came to my attention that the music that I have embedded is a sore issue. To put it simpke I don't care for the music control showing up on my pages. I'll try to come across some kind of compromise.

My license came in the mail this past friday.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Commercial Anime Collection Update
Full Metal Panic: Dvds 1-3 + Collector's Box
Please Teacher: Dvd 1 + Collector's Box
Virus Buster Serge: Complete
...yada yada yada... I'm bored, it's getting cold and I'm in need of finding stuff in my room(No I will not clean it!) -_-

So I bought Mischief Destroy....yeah I've had an interest in Cars for a few years now and it's been eating away at me. Gran Turismo 4 comes out soon and I can't play it on my (Brain-dead)PS2 ^_^;;

I have acquired .Hack:Infection and temporarily confiscate my brother's ps2, he owes me! ....besides he's not around the house to use it when I'm home.

WIFI!!! So my laptop requires a wireless card eventually...well the next time I actually leave the house with my laptop and demand a internet connection. I'd take suggestions if anyone of my visitors has the nerve to comment. *hint* *hint*

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Mothers....lock up your wheels...
It was funnier in my head. So...yeah... Kinda forgot to say this yesterday....I passed my road test!! WOOT! ^_^. *hears a group of people locking their doors.* yeah....heh ^_^;

So like around home has turned to crap for me again as my little brother instigates me into action to save my SP from potential destruction. ....Basically ever since the day he shattered my Mortal Kombat for Sega CD with one of my drum sticks I've wanted to hurt him. go fig. eh. *goes back to watching dvd that came with .hack: infection*

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Rounds 2...Contradictions?

Doe Eyes

What Eyes Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

The God of Death has returned!...Er..umm...Yeah...hehe

What Gundam Wing Character Are You?

It's that portion of my mental other words... more Quiz reaults...^_^;

Um... I was bored..

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??


Legolas Greenleaf

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood.

In the movie, I am played by Orlando Bloom.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

First Try...eep!


If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Arwen, Elf, the daughter of Elrond.

In the movie, I am played by Liv Tyler.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

Friday, September 19, 2003

Hey, Checking counter logs it looks like there are more than 2 people visiting! *jumps for joy* I feel so special at this moment. PHP reading up is going pretty well.

Monday, September 15, 2003

New featrue, a counter. Now I can see how many people actually visit. ^_^; *waves at the two people* hey.

Oh yeah, It works! /me drops onto me knees. I hate f***ing sepcifications. It's fixed for now.

Ok, So now the colors are gone sortta. I keep getting this bug where I can see what I want it to look like when I preview the new template, but when I republish it doesn't show.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Urgh...Damn colors still won't show T_T.

Ok, got the style in. Just gotta work on the color matching. Can't see the commments link right now, eh? Time for Yugioh.

Quick little update, I got the black sp hehe, I took a pick of it but still can't find the data cable for my digicam so I can post the pics ^_^;; . I've done a little sprucing up of the page design, but I'm still having ***** of a time trying to get my newer style sheet to work. Oh yeah, I got a couple of Otakon pics up, I'll see if I can add a link when I get home from work today.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ok, Slight change to my sidebar. Finally figured out the problem with fixing it so long ago. Problems with word wrapping, funny huh? I guess all the aggrivation that I've gone through recently with PHP paid off. -_-

Quick Note: Working on template....looks like I'm sortta back.

Bringing up two things...ok three. First, thanks renee even though you don't know it you helped me out. Yeah otakon pics will be arriving soon, didn't realize how much video vs pics i shot. Next thing in just a couple of hours and it'll be September 11th..... On a lighter note, The Black SP is available and tommorow I may be picking one up.

*raises his hand* I'm still here guys, just kinda busy....NOT. heh. Actually at the moment I'm trying to arrange a couple more driving lessons so I can "borrow" a car for my road test at the end of the month. I know I said I'd have the otakon stuff up, but hey its in the works. The pics are on my hd atleast ^_^;; .

Friday, September 05, 2003

Just a quick little post, my diploma finally came. /me smacks devry around a bit.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Quick note to all you zodiac hater out there, Virgos rock!

Taking Renee's que, guess what? Dude It's my birthday. Officially at about 5:30 am ((i was semi-unconcious)sp?) I became legal, that's right 21 baby!! Guess what's the first thing everyone that i've mentioned this to has told me, "now you can drink, legally." :P sorry, drinking isn't really my thing unless it's sweet, hehe. I'll add some more thoughts in a bit but first more inital d, damn ran out of ice cream cake, got get another slice.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Blargh!!!! Where did all the power go?!? hehe. Yeah, it takes a blackout to get me blogging again. Well a fair bit of stuff has been going on recently, I went to Otakon and made it home monday afternoon. I have pictures on this laptop and on the xD card to post. Anyway back to the matter that's got me posting, 411 as they've been dubbing doesn't seem to have any affect on my dominican peeps on hanging out on the block. Good ol' NY. Right now I'm typing on my laptop running off of battery and a 56k connection, old reliable ne? I'm typing in the dark on a dimmed down screen to conserve battery, why? Because the candle i was using tried to burn down room. Seriously, it started melting away at the plastic(yeah i now the $hit melts at high temps) holder and all i know is i saw wax spilling on my entertainment center. Cool flame the shot up went my mom put it out. Whenever the power comes back up(damn other borroughs be more like manhattan! hehe) I'll go into my oyakon stuff and resize images for web use. One comment, I loke Final Fantasy cosplayers and yet did not get a shot :( .... but the memories of aerith(aeris for you uneducated ppl) and the "spanish" lulu will be with me for time to come.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Sorry, for not posting in like sooooooooo long. I just got in from work and I'm hot and sweaty, it's pretty damn humid. Oh um, I've got myself a new piece for my collection, cut out a cardboard sign of daredevil. hehehe. Long story short, I got myself a fancy new digital camera(well maybe not that fancy, nah!!!!) and I've been playing around with it.

Here's a shot of good ol' Raven, post-photoshoping to make web-usableThe Raven is lurking

Thursday, July 24, 2003

ok well I tried out one of the other premade templates for like a day, and yeah.... I don't like it but tell me what you think? I think I got the gist of what i can do to change it, oh and the current version of my personal layout seems to work...heh Anyway I'm gonna be late for work later!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Just got in from work like an hour ago. I need some cash, it's one the worst feelings to hold the last dvd that you need to complete your set of an anime series and realize you have no cash to spare. Especially when you have an employee discount and need to save the cash to eat. -_-

Anyway..... the new layout is currently awol, doesn't like me I guess ^_^''. I'm estatic about what's coming up next, hehe. A friend of mine has a webcomic project that she's starting, her initial stuff looks great. *bounces around just a tad* Kawaii!! ^_^ oh, you may have to wait to see what I've seen. :P hehe. I'm special. She was kind enough to link to this little place so I thought it only fair to do the same. (actually I begged her to let me link to her but who's counting, ne? )
The link is below:

Ok, well..It's late and I'm heading to bed soon. The layout is proving a pain, gotta love xml/xhtml huh? I'm not complaining just mad at myself, back to ready my out of date xml book on my way to work tommorow/today. whatever it is when i wake up. Nice work ethic huh? Sorry for being rather quiet for the day, I promise I update you on some of the stuff going on with me.

Monday, July 21, 2003

ugh...Morning.. Hehe. -_- . I'm trying to get myself together, as well as the layout but it's not happening. I was planning on going out today but can't now, so...yeah.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Final one of the nite, I hope, someone please help me. T_T I'm very curious about these results, changed several of my answers around and kept coming to this:

Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?

I'm gonna try and bum a pic of me taken by Ren aka Raven aka whatever she'll let me get away with calling her *ducks in advance* and post it here, so everyone can see me and my laptop (-_-)'' *tries to remember how it looked*
Um...anyway if ya feel like it, just post a comment down bottom. I'd like to her your thought on the site, me(be gentle I bruise), whatever.

Got work tommorow/today. (-_-). Ja ne.

More..Peh. :)

Very surprising result for me!

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

<.< .... Um I wouldn't know, honestly!

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Got no problem with this...I guess

The Lost Soul
The Lost Soul

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

took it again and answered a little more honestly.

the Withered Lover
The Withered Lover

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

um...A little close to home with this one >>. ^_^'' Actually...I would be looking for love, but fun is a must. (>.<)

Laid-Back Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

wasn't expecting that one. :P It was rigged.


What's YOUR sexual fetish?
brought to you by Quizilla

O_O (-_-) Ok, I gotta stop.
cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

ok, I decided to add some of my web quizz results. I blame you Raven. ^_^.

What Anime Art Style Are You?

What Anime Type Are You?

I am the mission.
You're a mecha pilot!

You might be a sub-category of bishounen, but this hardly matters since you don't notice anything that didn't feature in the last edition of Guns'n'Ammo magazine. You have been trained since an unfeasibly early age to be a machine of death and destruction. If you've noticed an annoying girl following you around and repeatedly getting into danger and requiring rescue recently, run like hell - she's probably your love interest...

Which generic anime character are you?

Friday, July 18, 2003

Guess what everyone? *looks at his audience of maybe one* (^_^)'' I've added comments to the site, hehehe. Wheeee!!!!

Um yeah, still no major layout change, but atleast I can hear from you now. Still trying to work out what I'm gonna do with the place. Now just gotta figure out my links. hehe

Just got from Driving lesson about half-an-hour ago, whee! Only bad thing, the place i wanted to schedule my road test appears to be backedup for atlest 2-3 months.

Ok, um No layout changes yet, sowwwwwwy. :( But on a plus note, I found a mention to myself in Raven's blog. I'm the one that graduated (^_^);;. heheh.

This place more than like won't really be changed for atleast a week, I want to add comments and trying to find a commentor for this blog.

Oh sidenote, I've just crashed my blog, or something like that. hehe. Only me i guess.

Nevermind... autoupdating it's fun stuff! *slaps forehead*

um those times down there, couple of hours off, hehe push them up 3 hours, forgot to set it to est. gomen. (^_^);;

Ok, well it appears that I can do the whole posting to this down pact. Not making sense? Get used to it. hehe. Ok, well Ive already had feedback to start customizing this layout so.... * puts on the mad scientist lab coat* time to experiment <evil hiss>Yessss...</evil hiss>

Um, hey everyone. *listens to the crickets chirping or whatever they do* (-_-);; hehe. Well, i guess this will be my little nesting grounds for now.