Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Playstation Fix

[Listening to: Rapture (Dance Mix) - Iio - My Block (CDS) (08:41)]

Considering that I'm still up at this hour..due to finding another webcomic that I can watch over like hawk.

Anyway, my Playstation 2, which many of my friends know by the affectionate name "Brain Dead" is going to be fixed. It's been out of service for almost a year now, or will be. It was around the time I got Xenosaga when the whole Disc Read Error (DRE) thing really started. If you were fortunate enough to be around in my DeVry days you would have seen it in action on many a boring four hour gaps in classes.

Yeah, so I'm logging off and going to print up my form on my brother's printer at the now 3ish am, before closing my tired eyes.

Note to self: After car shit is taken care of, treat yourself to a new printer, book, dvd burner(now I want one with me from myself ), and/or any of the above or other unlisted things. Import Tuner I really like the articles, and the cover art ^_^; Three tries to stype that, bloody tired.