Thursday, June 17, 2004

I'm doing the number one no-no and using the work computers for personal usage. Oh my...hehehe. So, apparently my allergies are starting to act up. How? The annoying itch.

Ever have one of those oh shit moments? Try waking up at 8:54am and then realizing hey don't I have to be to work at 9:30am? So no breakfast, washed up, ran a pick through my hair and had a sip of fruit punch and I was out the door. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people will speed up or just plain move out of the way when you're riding close behind. I mean damn, do the speed limit or move out of the way!
Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up to 3am working on my site.

By the way, the site layout is mostly done now so here's the link. The Asylum